Alan Sugar begins another search for a business partner, challenging a new group of candidates to design and manufacture their own burgers to sell to the public in London. Chaos in the kitchen throws one team into disarray, while the other team wastes valuable time deciding how to label their product. Back in the boardroom, tensions rise as the candidates face Lord Sugar for the first time.
13 - 1Burgers October 04, 2017
13 - 2Hotel Redesign October 11, 2017
13 - 3Robots October 18, 2017
13 - 4Stadium Sales October 25, 2017
13 - 5Lord Sugar's Birthday November 01, 2017
13 - 6Bruges Tour November 08, 2017
13 - 7Advertising - Cars November 15, 2017
13 - 8Doggy Business November 22, 2017
13 - 9Food Boxes November 29, 2017
13 - 10Fashion Show December 06, 2017
13 - 11The Final Five December 08, 2017
13 - 12Interviews December 13, 2017
13 - 13Why I Fired Them December 14, 2017
13 - 14The Final December 17, 2017