The teams are at the Science Museum, where they have to select two innovative new products to sell to trade. One of the members of the team which loses the challenge is failed by Sir Alan at the end of the show.
6 - 1Bangers October 06, 2010
6 - 2Beach Accessory October 13, 2010
6 - 3Bakery October 20, 2010
6 - 4Selling to Trade October 27, 2010
6 - 5Fashion November 03, 2010
6 - 6Advertising November 10, 2010
6 - 7Dvd November 17, 2010
6 - 8Crisps November 24, 2010
6 - 9Discount Buying December 01, 2010
6 - 10London Tours December 08, 2010
6 - 11The Final Five December 09, 2010
6 - 12Interviews December 15, 2010
6 - 13The Final December 19, 2010
6 - 14You're Hired December 19, 2010
6 - 15Why I Fired Them December 16, 2010