The candidates receive an early morning phone call from Lord Sugar, who tells them they have 24 hours to brush up on their business plans, before being interviewed by four of his trusted advisors. The next day, business plans in hand, it's off to the Institute of Directors. Lord Sugar explains that his advisors will be scrutinizing their plans and credentials, before feeding back to him. The nerves kick in straight away for the Final Five, as the anxious candidates are called in one by one to meet Lord Sugar's hand-picked hit-squad. Armed with CVs and business plans, the advisors waste no time in taking the candidates to task. Egos are attacked, book-cooking uncovered, and personalities pulverised. There are anxious moments for some, and extraordinary things uncovered as the candidates are pushed to the limit. In an emotional boardroom, Lord Sugar receives some surprising news, and someone feels the full force of his fury, before a shock exit leaves everyone open-mouthed. In the fight to make the final, dreams come crashing down. Only two can make the grade, as the rest all kiss the investment goodbye as they hear the words 'You're fired!'.
9 - 1Week 1: Container May 07, 2013
9 - 2Week 2: Beer May 08, 2013
9 - 3Flat-Pack May 15, 2013
9 - 4Farm Shop May 22, 2013
9 - 5Dubai May 28, 2013
9 - 6Away Day June 05, 2013
9 - 7Caravans June 12, 2013
9 - 8Online Dating June 19, 2013
9 - 9Ready Meals June 26, 2013
9 - 10Stall to Shop July 03, 2013
9 - 11The Final Five July 08, 2013
9 - 12Interviews July 10, 2013
9 - 13Why I Fired Them July 11, 2013
9 - 14The Final and You're Hired July 17, 2013