Who will be Germany's next supermodel? 11,637 young women applied! Heidi Klum invites 32 of them to her first show, in which twelve candidates are ultimately selected for the race for “Germany’s Next Top Model”. A hard and merciless battle begins for them, because: They are all attractive, but brilliant looks alone are not enough.
1 - 1The jump into cold water January 25, 2006
1 - 2New York February 01, 2006
1 - 3Dare February 08, 2006
1 - 4Between the worlds February 15, 2006
1 - 5And Action! February 22, 2006
1 - 6Sexy moves March 01, 2006
1 - 7Bodypainting March 08, 2006
1 - 8Sunny California March 15, 2006
1 - 9Paris here we come! March 22, 2006
1 - 10The finale March 29, 2006