After the men had bought their flowers they left the market to get a cup of tea – without any of the roses they had paid for. Whoever had bought the roses had failed to arrange it and Tim, the project manager, had not noticed either. Luckily Matthew had realised and in a panic they all ran back into the market trying to find the stall they bought the roses from – the problem was that no-one could remember exactly where it was. Eventually they found it and the whole team were relieved.
1 - 1Wilting Blooms February 16, 2005
1 - 2Child's play February 23, 2005
1 - 3Shop till you drop March 02, 2005
1 - 4The Harrods' sales March 09, 2005
1 - 5Art with a capital F March 16, 2005
1 - 6Advertising executives March 24, 2005
1 - 7Apprentice Celebrities March 30, 2005
1 - 8Food Fight April 06, 2005
1 - 9Team News April 13, 2005
1 - 10On TV April 20, 2005
1 - 11Apprentice Interviews April 27, 2005
1 - 12The Final May 03, 2005
1 - 13You're Hired May 03, 2005
1 - 14The Apprentice: Tim in the Firing Line February 19, 2006