Sir Alan had arranged with Mohammed Al-Fayed for the teams to test their retailing skills in Harrods. Both teams were given £600 seed money to spend as they will. Marigay McKee from Harrods told the teams it was very important to smile. Matthew glowered. Tim was leader for First Forte James was Project Manager for Impact this week. Impact started off badly: Matthew tripped up, Paul miscalculated the percentage of Harrods own-brand goods and the sales area was empty. Impact and First Forte had to chose between 2 areas 1 or 2. First Forte tryed to get Impact seed money for return of first choice but First Forte was stupid enough and still got first choice Number 2. First Forte started to hire a Face painter, demonstraters and a panoist in order to attract consumers while Impact had nothing. Then Paul had the idea of dressing up as Rosie the Bear - and he enchanted the kids and the tills started ringing.
1 - 1Wilting Blooms February 16, 2005
1 - 2Child's play February 23, 2005
1 - 3Shop till you drop March 02, 2005
1 - 4The Harrods' sales March 09, 2005
1 - 5Art with a capital F March 16, 2005
1 - 6Advertising executives March 24, 2005
1 - 7Apprentice Celebrities March 30, 2005
1 - 8Food Fight April 06, 2005
1 - 9Team News April 13, 2005
1 - 10On TV April 20, 2005
1 - 11Apprentice Interviews April 27, 2005
1 - 12The Final May 03, 2005
1 - 13You're Hired May 03, 2005
1 - 14The Apprentice: Tim in the Firing Line February 19, 2006