The candidates give their assessment of their personal triumphs and failures and the lessons they have learned during the process. Not to mention the bitching, backstabbing and the blame games they have had to overcome to get this far. The programme investigates the five contenders' family backgrounds and reveals more of their characters as friends and family talk about the childhood, upbringing and personality traits that have shaped the final five into who they are today. Nick Hewer and Karren Brady share their thoughts on the candidates' performance thus far and assess the strengths and weaknesses of each individual, explaining what qualities they believe Lord Sugar sees in the final five.
8 - 1Week 1 - Blank Canvas March 21, 2012
8 - 2Week 2 - Household Gadget March 28, 2012
8 - 3Week 3 - Condiments April 04, 2012
8 - 4Week 4 - Junk Shops April 11, 2012
8 - 5Week 5 - Keep Fit April 18, 2012
8 - 6Week 6 - Street Food April 25, 2012
8 - 7Week 7 - Flip It in Essex May 02, 2012
8 - 8Week 8 - Street Art May 09, 2012
8 - 9Week 9 - English Bubbles May 16, 2012
8 - 10Week 10 - Discount Dealing May 23, 2012
8 - 11The Final Five May 29, 2012
8 - 12Week 11 - Affordable Luxury May 30, 2012
8 - 13Why I Fired Them June 02, 2012
8 - 14Week 12 - The Final - Interviews June 03, 2012