Alton Brown and Anne Burrell join together for a serious matter: beating Bobby Flay! They bring in their hand-selected chefs Heather West and Florian Wehrli to battle in the big leagues.
2 - 1They Must Be Giants July 31, 2014
2 - 2East vs. West August 07, 2014
2 - 3Bring Home the Bacon August 14, 2014
2 - 4Battle of Brooklyn August 21, 2014
2 - 5Out of the Pan and Into the Fire August 28, 2014
2 - 6Ladies First September 04, 2014
2 - 7Risky Business September 11, 2014
2 - 8Smile Now, Cry Later September 18, 2014
2 - 9Ruling with an Iron Fist September 25, 2014
2 - 10Against All Odds October 02, 2014
2 - 11Sun Up to Show Down October 09, 2014
2 - 12Only in New York October 16, 2014
2 - 13Orange Is the New Beat October 23, 2014