Two of the toughest judges from Iron Chef America, Simon Majumdar and Donatella Arpaia, come to Bobby's arena to kick him off his thrown! Having judged many of Bobby's battles, these two know exactly what to look for in a contender, as chefs Stephen Durley and Tim Wiechmann face off for the chance to Beat Bobby Flay.
2 - 1They Must Be Giants July 31, 2014
2 - 2East vs. West August 07, 2014
2 - 3Bring Home the Bacon August 14, 2014
2 - 4Battle of Brooklyn August 21, 2014
2 - 5Out of the Pan and Into the Fire August 28, 2014
2 - 6Ladies First September 04, 2014
2 - 7Risky Business September 11, 2014
2 - 8Smile Now, Cry Later September 18, 2014
2 - 9Ruling with an Iron Fist September 25, 2014
2 - 10Against All Odds October 02, 2014
2 - 11Sun Up to Show Down October 09, 2014
2 - 12Only in New York October 16, 2014
2 - 13Orange Is the New Beat October 23, 2014