In a pre-recorded briefing via a giant screen flanked by Karren and Nick, Lord Sugar has called the candidates to an advertising agency. Their task will be to create, brand and pitch a new pet food. But before they start Nick has a message from the boss - once again he picks the team leaders. One team chooses dogs, the other cats. Both teams split - one half to Lincolnshire to create the food, the other half staying at the agency to name and brand the product. Supported by Britain's biggest pet food manufacturer it looks like a breeze, but soon the teams are making some fateful decisions, sweeping aside advice from pet-loving focus groups and inventing product names so leftfield that even teammates can't understand them. Professional packaging for their products restores confidence momentarily, but the next job - to make commercials - plunges the teams into more confusion as they try to get creative.
7 - 1£250 Business Start Up May 10, 2011
7 - 2Mobile Phone Application May 11, 2011
7 - 3Discount Buying for the Savoy May 18, 2011
7 - 4Beauty Treatments May 25, 2011
7 - 5Create, Brand and Launch a Pet Food June 01, 2011
7 - 6Rubbish June 08, 2011
7 - 7Freemium Magazine Launch June 15, 2011
7 - 8Paris June 22, 2011
7 - 9Biscuit June 29, 2011
7 - 10Flip It July 06, 2011
7 - 11The Final Five July 07, 2011
7 - 12Fast Food Chain July 13, 2011
7 - 13How To Get Hired July 15, 2011
7 - 14Interviews July 17, 2011
7 - 15The Final July 17, 2011