The venue for the candidates' latest briefing is St Pancras International. With the next Eurostar about to leave, there is just time for Lord Sugar to brief and re-balance the personnel, and then it's off to Paris for half of each team. The others must stay back and choose some new British designs to sell to the French. It is a classic export task, with Lord Sugar on the lookout for proven ability to do business abroad. While the candidates in Paris arrange sales appointments for tomorrow, the London-based groups are treated to quirky products by entrepeneurs wanting a slice of the French market. There's everything from toys to top-end bikes. It is immediately clear that some of Lord Sugar's budding business partners know very little about the French, and even less about what they will buy. To help, he sets them up with a major French retailer, but the teams must fix all the other pitches. Street-based research gets lost in translation.
7 - 1£250 Business Start Up May 10, 2011
7 - 2Mobile Phone Application May 11, 2011
7 - 3Discount Buying for the Savoy May 18, 2011
7 - 4Beauty Treatments May 25, 2011
7 - 5Create, Brand and Launch a Pet Food June 01, 2011
7 - 6Rubbish June 08, 2011
7 - 7Freemium Magazine Launch June 15, 2011
7 - 8Paris June 22, 2011
7 - 9Biscuit June 29, 2011
7 - 10Flip It July 06, 2011
7 - 11The Final Five July 07, 2011
7 - 12Fast Food Chain July 13, 2011
7 - 13How To Get Hired July 15, 2011
7 - 14Interviews July 17, 2011
7 - 15The Final July 17, 2011